Refreshing Summer Hydration: the Cold Shower
In the heat of the summer, when a heavily iced drink and the AC just doesn't seem to cut through the thick swelter, consider a simple yet refreshing solution that has more benefits than you may have realized. May I remind you of the cold shower.
This energizing alternative to sitting begrudgingly with a fan in your face all day, the cold shower actually helps promote good circulation. While warm water makes blood rush to your skin, cool water helps blood move to your organs promoting healthy internal functions. Additionally, cold water makes muscles contract more and these contractions help rid your muscles of toxins (perhaps from the icy margaritas you've been downing).
Cold showers can benefit not only physical, but mental health as well. Ancient Samurai warriors used a similar kind of cold shower in their Shinto practice by pouring cold river water over their heads in the mornings. They called this early morning wake-up ritual Misogi and it helped them begin the day alert and mentally stimulated.
With all the health benefits of a cold shower, summer is the perfect time to try it out when a dip in the ocean or a jump in the shower is a welcome treat in the ninety-plus degree weather. From an energizing wake-up to good circulation, a cold shower in the heat of June and July can also simply help one chill out.
One last thought – as water is a precious resource, enjoy the luxury of your relatively inexpensive running water from a water-saving showerhead. If you live in Los Angeles, you can receive one free by contacting LA's DWP.
(this weeks topic on WATER is written by Ghostwriter NB-- Thank you doll!!)
Tune in Next Thursday for a surprise topic... meaning.. I don't have one yet!! but i will think of something good!!