

I feel it important to express the fact that I am completely surrounded by the most talented and beautiful friends. I look around and know how blessed my life has been to be around such a caliber of personalities. My sincerest Gratitude goes to so many of these friends who lent their time and energy to my new website and being a part of my lip-balm brand. I will be featuring their talents on my blog periodically, so please be sure to check it out!

Website & Hiwa Lani label design: Julie Gesin & Mike Jones, Chris Sage
Hunter label designs: Heidi Fikstad
Cover page photographer: Ming Hsiung and Mat Evanz
Additional photographers: Cory Strassburger and Alain Vasquez
Models: Stacy, Noelle, Heidi, April, Noella, Dominique, Sandy, Liz, Bristol, and Doran
Story Editor: Noella Boudart
Additional Web Edits: Chris Sage

Additional Thanks to Dominique Kunz who designed the first phase of Hiwa Lani labels and Brandon Hickman who shot the original layout.

With my lip balm in full force, I am excited to create more flavors, and am currently testing colors for the Hiwa Lani (pronounced HEE WAH- LA-NEE) line. I am also mixing up some new Hunter flavors!

Please continue to check out my site and my blog for updates on my lip balm making & addiction. plus I am coming out with two more products, a clothing line and a book... there is so much more in store from this girl.. watch out!!.

Sincerely and with affection, Maharlika